10 Best Super Mario Fan Theories That Explain Everything

2. The Coins Are Souls

King Boo Bowser

If you destroy an enemy in most Mario games, they will drop a coin. This is such a staple to the franchise, most gamers don't question the logistics behind it. But you know who does question it? Fan-theorists. Why are all these baddies holding coins in the first place? How does a Goomba hold onto currency? It doesn't have any arms!

At first, this inconsistency may sound like I'm overanalysing (which is a common problem with most fan-theories). But some gamers have suspected the coins are more significant than they seem.

What if all the coins contain souls? Why else would a baddie drop a coin upon their immediate death? It's common knowledge that Mario will obtain an extra Life when he obtains a hundred coins.

Maybe Mario is capable of cheating death because he is collecting an abundance of souls. It would also explain how Mario can collect thousands of coins at once without ever dropping any. He is not carrying them; he's absorbing them.

Now, you might be thinking, "But there's tons of coins in the Brick blocks and ? Blocks? Surely, they can't contain souls as well, right? Sadly, this opens up a far more horrifying theory...

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