10 Best Vampire Video Games

7. Infamous: Festival Of Blood

Vampyr game
Sucker Punch

Infamous 2, for anyone who hasn’t played it (which is criminal really, this game is amazing) is about a superhero with the power to control electricity. So when developers Sucker Punch announced Festival Of Blood, a standalone title where main protagonist of the series, Cole MacGrath turns into a vampire, all heads turned.

On paper this sounds ridiculous, but it delivers in spades. Narrated as a (debatably fictitious) story through sidekick Zeke’s view, it combines the joys of MacGrath’s already incredibly fun powers with that of a vampire was a stroke of genius.

Going from blasting an enemy with a lightning bolt to turning into a swarm of bats to fly high above the streets of New Marais was exhilarating, with a great plot to boot. The setting in itself was altered dramatically, with Pyre Night, a festival of all things vampire-related spilling out across the streets and rooftops.

Fireworks decorated the sky and citizens gathered to party, adorning vampire costumes. The whole experience oozed atmosphere and managed to stand on its own two feet as a small, yet brilliant addition to the franchise.

Being completely self-contained, with only mentions of the events of the prior two games, this is a title that above all else offers fun factor. Don’t take it too seriously as there is so much to love in this short yet massively enjoyable experience.

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Creative soul with a obsession for Videogames and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.