10 Best Vampire Video Games

6. The Sims

Vampyr game

The Sims has a very simple premise - do anything. Since its release back in 2000 it has grown into a behemoth, with 4 major installments and countless expansion packs. Makin’ Magic, released for the original game, was the first one to introduce vampires into the series.

Since then, they have become a staple of the franchise, returning with every major installment. With a game as open ended as The Sims, the inclusion of vampires into the franchises opened up a whole new door of opportunities.

Want to create a vampire to terrorize and eat your neighbors? Go ahead. Or do you just want to build a big gothic mansion, sleeping in coffins in the attic and raising little vampire children? The choice is yours. While a lot more light hearted than most other entries on this list, The Sims nevertheless offers endless possibilities.

While the inclusion of vampires into the franchise was hardly game changing, there was undoubtedly a lot of fun to be had with our own little Draculas. How many of us can honestly say we’ve never wanted to make a vampire version of ourselves??

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Creative soul with a obsession for Videogames and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.