10 Best Vampire Video Games

4. Castlevania

Vampyr game

Widely regarded today as one of gamings greatest ever franchises, Castlevania is a name all gamers know. Its flawless blend of platforming, puzzle-solving and crushing difficulty even helped popularize the Metroidvania genre, due to its open-ended exploration and ending, which was unseen at the time.

Castlevania has seen many different iterations during its run and is one of the few franchises that has managed to say relevant and modern across a multitude of platforms.

Blending elements of pop culture, horror, folklore, ancient mythology and many more has allowed Castlevania to stay fresh and even garnered it expansion into other territories – including a stellar Netflix show. Despite this, the franchise is known for its punishing difficulty and rich lore, a testament to its originality and willingness to stay true to its roots.

Being such a renowned series, if you haven’t already sunk your teeth into one of the MANY Castlevania games, you absolutely need to. If the games on this list are vampires, Castlevania is Dracula.

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Creative soul with a obsession for Videogames and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.