10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

7. Owl, Father Boss Fight - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

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There are so many decent boss battles in Sekiro that it was honestly hard to pick just one. From the lightning assault of Genichiro before he gives way to the true Sword Saint within him to the brilliantly unexpected resurrection of the Guardian Ape, this is a game that rewards players with brilliant encounters one after the other.

However, I think that for many, the optional boss fight against Owl in the burning Hirata estate is one that will stick with you long after. Here in this memory, you are able to change the course of time itself by battling the man who would claim to be your father in a duel to the death. This is Owl at his peak, and previous encounters with him pale in comparison. Here he moves quicker, utilizes his skills to combo into one another, and punishes any mistakes you make with heavy hits.

The burning building, complete with the emotional score, detail the frustration of both men, one seeing his plans for domination falling around him, the other seeing his role model for what he actually is, a war-hungry tyrant in the making. As he falls his parting chide of "Defeated by my own son" is one that is almost cruel, and one designed to be the parting blow that will stick with you long after.

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God of War
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