10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

4. Scorpion Sentinel - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

god of war baldur
Square Enix

While definitely not being the hardest boss in the brilliant Final Fantasy VII Remake, Scorpion Sentinel is easily one of the most memorable. It's the first boss you encounter and holds such a special place in the hearts of Final Fantasy fans that it was always going to be the one under the most scrutiny.

And you know what? The devs absolutely nailed this. From shaking up the battle so that you now had to maneuver around the stage and use cover to protect against the beast's deadly attacks, to the subtle tweaking of the all time classic battle theme, this managed to both scratch the nostalgia itch while also offering something that felt brand new.

Battling this beast was like finally being able to exhale after holding it in for years, a release of worry, tension, stress, and doubt that plagued whether we'd ever even get a remake at all. It was a beautiful moment and left us wanting even more.

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