10 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Generation

3. Cuphead - King Dice

god of war baldur
Studio MDHR

In a game all about boss rushes, how do you look to stand out? Well, if you're King Dice you do so by not only being one of the hardest encounters in the absolutely brilliant Cuphead, but you bring all your mates to make the experience a smorgasbord style smackdown.

In order to get to this high roller, you need to first make your way up a game board, with each space forcing you to face a different mini-boss. None of these are all too difficult, but their outstanding design and gimmicky fights at once empower the player by making them think they can take on all comers, while slowly poking and prodding their skill level to make them aware the final fight hasn't even begun.

Then it hits, the pip-headed punk that is King Dice steps up to the plate and unleashes a barrage of cards, which can only be dodged by parry jumping over selected ones. These are in random order so it's always a challenge and definitely took every player by surprise when they first encountered it. It's a brilliant fight that makes you work to the bone to overcome, and actually usurps beating The Devil himself as many players' favourite boss battle.

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God of War
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