10 Best Video Game Boss Speeches

6. Portal 2 - "You Dangerous, Mute Lunatic"

GLaDOS, the deranged computer behind Aperture Science's portal gun testing regime, stole the show in the first game. As the sequel was fleshed out into a standalone game, rather than a side piece to Half-Life 2, so was the AI antagonist.

Throughout Chell and GLaDOS' excellent adventure, players go to the very depths of Aperture's lairs and back again. As such, a bond is formed between the two, as we learn of the murky past behind GLaDOS, Caroline and nutter-butters director, Cave Johnson.

So when it comes back to overthrowing Wheatley, and begrudgingly restoring GLaDOS to maniacal glory, she imparts some memorable dialogue about the tenuous relationship with Chell along the way.

Which, naturally, GLaDOS immediately wipes from her memory before letting Chell go. Calling it a draw, if you will.

Fortunately, players don't have that ability to erase things, and are left with some sweet and humane parting words from a system that's spend the best part of two games trying to murder you.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.