10 Best Video Game Boss Speeches

4. Resident Evil 5 - "Complete Global Saturation"

Yes, Resident Evil was mentioned at the start with its corniness and all. But, and credit where it's due, over several titles the writing did get better... kind of.

No, this isn't about Leon's "Your right hand comes off?" clap-back in Resident Evil 4. Sadly.

Instead it's the always-gold Albert Wesker serving up more hot, steaming cheese of a victory speech that takes this one. You'd think he'd have learnt after finding out the sharp way in the first game not to gloat, but alas no.

Moving on from tyrants to the molasses-like Ouroboros, Wesker seems absolutely convinced that this is the one. This will be the bioweapon that takes over the world and, without irony, "complete global saturation".

That's just one of the gems that he digs up throughout Resident Evil 5. Voice actor D.C. Douglas chews through all the scenery with such gold as: "Incompetence surrounds me!", or the equally cheesy, "Let me clarify something for you, Chris. I don't think of myself as a king. No, I am a god! And even kings bow to gods!"

Yet it's the saturation line that everyone comes back to. Pure Cheddar, Albert.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.