10 Best Video Game Boss Speeches

3. Bioshock - "A Man Chooses..."

It wouldn't be fair to leave this one out. Sure, it's been covered, copied and everything in between since its release back in 2007. So why am I bringing it up again?

Purely because of the delivery that it's warranted that lasting effect over the last fifteen years. You see, it's more than just telling the protagonist, Jack, that his agency and drive have been orchestrated from the beginning of the game.

It's that the player themselves has conformed to the very machinations of a grander scheme. Granted, that could be said about any video game. Of course a player's actions are guided via checkpoints or objectives.

But that's a sort of... taken as read thing, we know that. Yet when it's being spelled out for you, as Andrew Ryan proves his point in self-destructive fashion, it makes you question your raison d'etre.

Well, it makes you think, "Oh, hang on. I am a massive puppet who isn't in control of my own destiny here" and really drops the weight of the Rapture scenario onto you. Heavy.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.