10 Best Video Game Factions You COULDN'T Join

7. Mootland And Araby - Total War: Warhammer 2

Baldurs gate 3
Creative Assembly

The original tabletop version of Warhammer features hundreds of different factions that dot the landscape of its dreary world. Since the Total War: Warhammer series is based on the board game, it naturally contains a lot of these unique groups and organizations. However, only a small fraction of them are actually playable.

Though Warhammer fans might be huge fans of certain factions, whether or not they become playable is strictly up to Creative Assembly’s developers and whichever group they find to be the most interesting.

For this reason, places like the halfling homeland of Mootland and the desert region of Araby have remained unplayable minor factions for years, despite the fans expressing genuine interest in joining them.

The game's fans have created several mods that flesh out these regions and make them playable, but if you’re looking for an official version of these and other similarly popular minor factions, tough luck. It’s simply not a thing.

But hey, you can always wager that a new DLC will change things around! The anticipation is like gambling, but somehow even more disappointing!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.