10 Best Video Game Factions You COULDN'T Join

6. Cannibals - Kenshi

Baldurs gate 3
Low-Fi Games

The post-apocalyptic world of Kenshi is a ruthless and unforgiving place where you often need to make sacrifices and commit questionable acts in order to survive.

Unless that act is cannibalism. Because apparently that’s a bigger no-no than selling people into slavery or building a machine specifically for painfully removing people’s appendages.

Cannibal tribes make up one of Kenshi’s unique factions, which, unlike the other groups that your character can join, remain uninteractible and unplayable no matter what you do. They don’t count as one of the major political powers in the world, and even if you somehow build good relations with them, the only thing it does is make them slightly less hostile to you.

Now, you might ask why anyone would want to become a cannibal, but seeing as Kenshi typically gives you full freedom over how you play and interact with the world, even if it means becoming its ultimate villain, turning into a cannibal warlord is a tempting idea to many of the game’s players.

Not to mention, switching to a human-only diet would easily solve the issue of having to grow crops in Kenshi’s desolate wasteland.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.