10 Best Video Game Factions You COULDN'T Join

5. Team Plasma - Pokémon Black & White

Baldurs gate 3
Game Freak

The morality of Pokemon’s villains is rarely a matter of debate. They’re typically bad guys who steal Pokemon for profit or bad guys who want to end the world using whatever legendary Pokemon are available in their generation of games.

However, there is one exception to this cartoon-villain dichotomy: Team Plasma.

Team Plasma is a criminal group from Pokemon Black and White whose goals are so oddly reasonable and compelling that it’s actually made some fans of the series want to join them instead of doing the same gym-hopping adventure again.

The difference between Team Plasma and other groups is that their ultimate goal is simply to free all Pokemon from being owned by humans. Yes, these guys are criminals because they thought Pokemon deserved better than being constantly pitted in dog fights by overexcited ten-year-olds.

Now, obviously, there’s more to Team Plasma that makes them feel more villainous, like their exploitative methods of liberating Pokemon, for example, but as far as their ideals and arguments against owning Pokemon go, they genuinely make you want to drop your quest for badges and become an armor-clad activist.

At the very least, it would breathe some fresh air into Pokemon’s stale formula.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.