10 Best Video Game Factions You COULDN'T Join

4. The Khans And The Kings - Fallout: New Vegas

Baldurs gate 3

Fallout: New Vegas’s factions are an eclectic bunch. You have your tax-obsessed republic, a capitalistic computer man, and everyone’s favorite: an army of cosplayers pretending to be Roman legionaries.

With such a variety of options, you might be wondering what else you could possibly wish for, but as it turns out, the game’s fans actually have quite a lot to say in this matter.

Because New Vegas introduces a lot of really interesting and fleshed-out minor factions on top of their main ones, the game’s community frequently discusses how great it would be to make some of them the dominant group in Nevada instead of the actual picks you get.

There are too many factions like this to list them all here, but the top two contenders for New Vegas’s most regrettable and unjoinable factions are the Kings and the Great Khans.

One run by a kind-hearted Elvis impersonator and the other by a mix between a biker and a mongolian warlord, the two factions offer unique aesthetics and perspectives on Nevada that could make for an interesting ending, once either faction was put in charge of New Vegas.

And before you say anything about it being unrealistic, keep in mind that you can conquer the city all by yourself with one faulty robot!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.