10 Best Video Game Sequels Of All Time

7. Silent Hill 2

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

Silent Hill nowadays is a sorry state of affairs. Hills flattened, remakes hinted, it all seems up in the air. Cast your mind back twenty years though, and we'll see why Silent Hill 2 is so revered.

The first game was terrifying, focusing on Harry Mason's desperate struggle. It was great, but gave birth to an easily overlooked terrifying aspect: the town itself.

Silent Hill 2, the first on the PlayStation 2 in 2001, took that concept and ran with it. To put it differently: it feels like the town itself is the oppressing force here. The sense of loneliness and desperation that protagonist James Sunderland suffers feels magnified by the emptiness of Silent Hill.

A mechanic born of the first game's limitations, it was turned into a main feature. A constant sense of dread throughout, it's unnerving from start to finish.

Pair that with an ensemble cast of lost souls (not literally... or perhaps maybe?), James' trip is a noodle-scratcher twenty one years later.

Is it in his head? Is the town sentient...?

If a horror game can garner more discussion than, "This bit made me jump", it's clearly earned its spots in the annals.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.