10 Best Video Game Sequels Of All Time

5. Half-Life 2

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

Half-Life, for many, changed perceptions on first-person PC shooters. With no disrespect to the likes of Quake and Doom, Half-Life completely changed how we saw narrative and gameplay interwoven.

Which is impressive, considering the protagonist doesn't speak.

What Half-Life 2 brought was more of the same, but bigger and better. Bigger set pieces and levels, better use of Valve's proprietary physics engine.

Incorporating puzzles and progress into its gameplay, Half-Life 2 continued Gordon Freeman's adventures, this time against the alien Combine.

A massive-yet-linear game, Half-Life 2 brought some of the best and replayable gaming this side of the century. Valve's attention to detail is uncanny, as items and puzzles can be faffed around with in all manner of ways.

But rather than just being "a shooter with good physics", there's an incredibly well-rounded cast in there too. The Vance's and their flight, Mossman and Breen's plotting, and let's not forget, Father Grigori and his shotgun sermons.

And last but not least: the G-Man. The enigmatic, clipped-voice, probably-an-alien-too man in a suit. He makes it worth sticking through the game alone.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.