10 Best Video Game Sequels Of All Time

2. Resident Evil 2 (1998)

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

Survival horror, as a genre, had been around before Resident Evil. But it'd fair to say that the first game brought it into prominence. With its weirdly compelling story, gross monsters and jump scares, how could Capcom top it?

By moving out: taking the gameplay from musty, stuffy mansions to Raccoon City, the hot spot for Umbrella's dastardly experiments.

Yet it wasn't just the locales that made it bigger, it was the scenario itself. Still with two playable characters, but with two campaigns to tackle each. So that doubled the length of the first game, but is that all?

Nope, as Resident Evil 2 ramped up the gore, the variety of monsters and its boss battles, as well as the means to fight them. Customisable shotguns, flamethrowers, giant stun guns, it was a veritable feast of carnage.

Not to mention some more of that ingenious/wacky puzzle logic that we'd come to expect, and of course, the introduction to Mr. X himself.

Seen only in either hero's second campaign, the troublesome Tyrant ramped up the terror in ways gamers weren't expecting.

Oh, and Lickers. Nightmare fuel.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.