10 Best Video Games Set In England

7. ZombiU

The Getaway

A survival horror game set in the midst of a zombie-filled London, ZombiU was released as launch title for the Nintendo WiiU back in November 2012.

The combination of London's modern and classic architecture proved to be the inspiration behind the setting, and the new WiiU system allowed for greater exploration and inventory maintenance, two of the staples for the survival horror genre.

ZombiU features both melee and ranged attacks, with the likes of a wooden cricket bat, molotov cocktails and landmines are all available to use in the game, as well as the tried and tested methods of sneaking past enemies or full on pelting it from them.

Technical problems with the game's slow loading screens and glitches post-launch and the lukewarm reception of the WiiU on the whole contributed to the game being a bit of a financial bomb for Nintendo, scrapping plans for a sequel in the process.

However, reception to the game was actually fairly positive on the whole. The London setting really help sell in the chilling atmosphere and survival aspects, and the permadeath feature really helped these zombies stand out from the crowd.

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The Getaway
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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.