10 Best Video Games We Never Got

9. Gotham By Gaslight

iron man just cause
Day 1 Studios

Gotham by Gaslight is a 1989 comic that marked one of the first instances of DC completely deviating from the standard universe. Set in 1889, it was a Victorian-themed story detailing how Bruce Wayne became the Dark Knight attempting to stop Jack the Ripper rampaging through Gotham.

The story would later become a 2018 movie, but it's first on-screen appearance was actually slated to be in the world of gaming.

Developed by Day 1 Studios, best known for F.E.A.R., Gotham by Gaslight was set to be a third person action title for the Xbox 360 and PS3, and slated to be released on the heels of Batman: Arkham Asylum which had come out in 2008.

It's fair to say Batman has been one of the more inconsistent franchises for gamers over the years, however, the glimpses that have been leaked of Gotham by Gaslight make the game look incredibly promising. The cobblestone streets and gothic look of Gotham make for a unique setting, and the detailed visuals on Batman showcased THQ had a solid idea on what they wanted this title to look like.

Unfortunately, this was always going to be a project the company would have a hard time getting off the ground. Without the rights from Warner Bros., THQ were forced to leave this steampunk Batman title in their 'what could have been' section.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.