10 Best Video Games We Never Got

7. Star Wars Battlefront III

iron man just cause

It's in the air whether or not there will be a 'Star Wars Battlefront III' coming out as the next entry in the DICE x EA partnership, however, it's the cancelled third entry in the original LucasArts series that the fans are still clamouring for.

The two original entries in the series were released back in 2004 and 2005 respectively, and both still stand as one of the most legendary titles from the sixth generation.

Battlefront II in particular been an incredibly ambitious title for its day, bringing a new campaign, space battles, Jedi and Sith heroes and an updated range of weapons and classes, and developers Free Radical Design were keen to keep the ball rolling.

Battlefront III would have allegedly allowed players to transition from space to land battles without loading screens, a huge moment for the hardware it was set to run on.

There's been a fair amount of mud-slinging going around since Battlefront III's cancellation sometime in 2008. Developers Free Radical Design have claimed the change in creative direction from LucasArt, the need to jump on a new generation of systems and the poor reception of their previous title Haze led to the decision to put the stoppers on the project.

Steve Ellis, co-founder of Free Radical, has also claimed that the game was '99%' finished when it was canned, though this has been disputed by some.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.