10 Best Video Games We Never Got

5. DOOM 4

iron man just cause
iD Software

Doom 4 was an interesting project that many still looked back on as the big 'what if' moment for the franchise. Following the release of Doom 3, which had ripped up the series' rulebook with a survival-horror tone and a slower pace, its sequel was announced in August 2007.

Once again developed by id Software, Kevin Cloud would prove to be one of the individuals with the most creative say behind the game's early stages. He would claim that the development of Doom 4 had emphasised 'story and scope' rather than the tried-and-tested formulas players were more used to.

Allegedly, the term 'Call of Doom' was a common tag attached to the game, referencing its similarities to Activision's Call of Duty franchise, and it was the subversion away from what fans would have wanted that would prove to be the decisive nail in the coffin for the game.

Nevertheless, from what has been leaked of Doom 4, it looks an incredibly interesting entry in the making. The game's emphasis on immersion can be seen in the clips released, with the added realism marking what could have been a fairly unique theme in the series.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.