10 Best Wrestling Video Games Ever

7. Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (N64, 1997)

A vastly underrated title that was only available in Japan or, if you asked your dodgy mate Dave nicely, through a rip, Virtual Pro Wrestling used a retweaked version of THQ's solid WCW vs nWo: World Tour game engine, mashing together various WCW wrestlers with generic versions of stars from New Japan and All Japan Pro Wrestling.

Adding in fun new dynamics like a post-match scoring system and, crucially, the ability to edit wrestlers' attire (something that would be picked up by World Tour's sequel - but we'll get to that), Virtual Pro was a crucial, estranged stopgap between World Tour and the awesome, generation-defining titles which would follow, and is a popular choice for PC and Mac ROMs to this day.


Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!