10 Best Wrestling Video Games Ever

6. WWF Wrestlefest (Arcade, 1991)


The undisputed daddy of arcade wrestling games, Techns' iconic '91 title has such high nostalgia value for fans of a certain vintage that THQ released a revamped, iOS version of the game in 2012, featuring modern day superstars mixing it up with legendary Hall Of Famers.

Fun, colourful graphics, a classic 8-bit soundtrack and 10 of the most beloved names from wrestling's late-80s and early-90s heyday to pick from (up from 6 on the game's predecessor, Superstars) made this an addictive title, while a surprising variety of moves ensured a replay value above many of its peers.

Given what would come later, this is very much a product of its time, but for arcade wrestling, it doesn't get better than this.


Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!