10 Best Wrestling Video Games Ever

5. WCW/nWo: Revenge (N64, 1998)

WCW/nWo Revenge

Alright, now we're in the business end of proceedings. The much-loved sequel to World Tour, arriving in late 1998 as an N64 exclusive, upped the ante and then some, adding in slicker gameplay and way more wrestlers, plus managers, envrionments modelled on actual Nitro and Pay Per View arenas and, crucially, customisable wrestler attire - something that would be hugely influential in the genre moving forward.

Basically, Revenge ruled, easily putting its WWF counterparts at the time in the shade, and was a colossal success financially, going on to outsell every other console game in North America upon its release. Its real legacy, however, would be its influence on what was to come once developer THQ bought the rights to make games for the WWF. At that point, however, WCW was definitely winning the Monday Night Game Wars.


Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!