10 Best Xbox Games With Gold Releases So Far

8. Dead Rising 2

Released: September 2010Month Offered: August 2013 Who doesn't love a good zombie game? Dead Rising, as a series, is one of the better zombie franchises out there, and certainly the best of its kind. The sandbox (used loosely thanks to in-game time constraints) play style, where almost everything from a katana to a giant stuffed teddy bear can be weaponised, is addicting and just a plain old fun game experience. Dead Rising 2 also did itself a favor by including a crafting feature which let players combine weapons into even deadlier weapons to decapitate and dismember as they saw fit. The Terror is Reality mode, while not amazing, was a good start to adding a sense of competitive multiplayer to the game as well. The main thing to take away from Dead Rising 2's inclusion in the program was it also came with the prequel in Case Zero. This is one of the only games that has been given away throughout all of the Games With Gold program that also came with DLC for the full package - a trait all future releases should most definitely learn from.

Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.