10 Best Xbox One Games (So Far)

2. Forza Motorsport 5

If you're looking for the best current-gen racing simulator available today, look no further than Forza Motorsport 5. With the amazing good looks, perfect controls and incredibly realistic car physics, the Xbox One has been blessed from an early age with a killer racing exclusive. Another title that really shows off what the Xbox One is capable of, Forza Motorsport 5 is almost photorealistic in appearance. If you were to take some select screen grabs of the game and compare them to shots from a real racing event, you might be hard pressed to tell the computer generated from the genuine article. Despite having a little less content than it probably should, Forza Motorsport 5 shows just how much the powerful hardware can benefit the genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__6lyUbBdWM

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