10 Best Xbox One Games Of 2015

5. Shovel Knight

Speaking of truly brilliant games that finally got a release on modern consoles in 2015, the glorious, charming, timelessly endearing Shovel Knight forward-flipped his way onto Microsoft's console alongside the PS4, Vita, Wii U and everything else. Kickstarted into being by the wonderful chaps over at Yacht Club, Shovel Knight has enough character and memorable moments that, if it had dropped around 30 years ago, would be right up there with the Marios and Zeldas of the world. Platforming is tight and responsive, the titular Knight's bounce attacks are the sort of thing we'll never get tired of, you can unlock new abilities, the score is outstanding, and the story even manages to pluck your heartstrings before the credits roll. Shovel Knight is one of the shining examples of retro done right, a reminder that although we can pull off overblown cavalcades of explosions and set-piece thrills, turning the clocks back to the origins of certain genres is just as - if not more - enjoyable.
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