10 Better Games That Were Secretly Hidden In Video Games

6. The Bat Family - Batman: Arkham Knight

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Batman: Arkham Knight teased one hell of a break with the series' formula which, sadly, didn't actually come to pass.

In the game's early Ace Chemicals level, Batman gets unexpectedly gunned down by The Joker while attempting to stop Scarecrow's fear toxin, at which point the perspective shifts to Jim Gordon.

Though anyone who'd been following the game's marketing knew that Batman wasn't dead, for a good five minutes Rocksteady got fans to consider what a Batman game without the ability to control the Caped Crusader would look like.

The idea of the rest of the Bat Family - Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing - stepping up to investigate Batman's apparent demise, and in turn allowing the player to swap between them throughout the rest of the story, would've been awesome.

But instead, we eventually realise the Gordon section is a mere flashback, and we're soon enough reunited with Batman for the game's remainder.

Though players can briefly control select members of the Bat Family during certain story sequences in Arkham Knight, this only left fans to consider how this mostly standard sequel could've been considerably more epic were the Family entirely playable throughout.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.