10 Biggest Consumer Complaints The Gaming Industry Doesn't Want To Fix

7. Treating Games As A Live Service

Fortnite game

Ubisoft, we're looking directly at you for this one.

Treating games as a live service actually sounds like a pretty good idea on paper. Releasing a game and constantly updating it with content for the players that enjoy it seems pretty harmless at first. The problem is that this almost always leads to microtransactions.

The problem is that this practise is making publishers a whole load of money. Games like Assassin's Creed Origins and Final Fantasy XV have made so much money and both support this system, so it creates the idea that games as a service is the reason why.

Ubisoft themselves have even said that they see great benefit from this system, which indicates that it is indeed here to stay.

Games like God of War are the exact reason why games as a live service needs to stop. God of War is one of the first games in a long while to feel like a complete experience from start to finish, all because it didn't constantly try and get players to buy more.

If developers put more time into their games in the first place, games as a live service wouldn't even be an issue.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.