10 Biggest Consumer Complaints The Gaming Industry Doesn't Want To Fix

6. Focusing Only On Multiplayer

Fortnite game

We live in a world where Call of Duty is completely getting away with ditching a single-player mode with pretty much no backlash.

As gaming has got bigger and bigger, more and more games have focused primarily on multiplayer, even choosing to ditch their single-player portions altogether in order to give it more resources. The biggest example of this is the upcoming Black Ops 4, which decided to go with a battle royale mode instead.

The reason why this won't change is that multiplayer is such a big moneymaker nowadays that publishers are actually a lot more interested in it than single-player games. Publishers generally only care about how much money they're making, and multiplayer-only games definitely live up to that.

The problem with this type of game is that it doesn't cater to all gamers, and is very temporary. Games with single-player aspects can technically live on forever, but multiplayer-only games are always temporary.

A good example of this is how each Call of Duty quickly comes disposable when the next one is announced, which is sure to be an even bigger problem now they're getting rid of a single-player component.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.