Console: SNES Funniest quote: "You Spoony Bard!" The Western Final Fantasy II release was actually a renamed Final Fantasy IV, just in case it wasn't hard enough to keep track of the lengthy JRPG series. It also contained some timeless Engrish classics, with many proving so popular that they survived the new translations utilised in the later re-releases. The most famous of these is the comically abstract insult "You spoony bard!". Taking place in what would otherwise be a very serious fight scene, the strange insult adds a layer of completely unintentional humour. The mystery of the "Spoony bard" has never quite been resolved, with theories ranging from a weird bit of censorship to straight up mistranslation. The original Japanese script was far more aggressive, akin to someone saying "you bastard" or "you son of a bitch". That just wouldn't have been as catchy though, and "You spoony bard!" has since become a fan favourite.