10 Biggest Gaming News Stories That Shocked The World

4. Xbox One's Complete 180

Although mainly confined within the gaming industry itself and not within mainstream media, the way Microsoft handled the launch of the Xbox One will probably go down in history as one of the biggest marketing fails ever. It all began back in 2013, when the gaming community awaited with bated breath for the launch of Microsoft's new console. At a special reveal event they finally revealed the Xbox One; a brand new, shiny gaming console that justifiably made everyone go "ooooh!". The execs at MS then decided to talk about television on the Xbox One for the next hour and uttered such phrases as " the next water cooler!", simultaneously alienating everyone in the room and watching at home. What followed in the months afterwards was horrendous for Microsoft. Their policies about DRM restrictions on used games and other features such as the need to have Kinect plugged into the Xbox at all times flagged up concerns about user privacy and privileges, with many gamers feeling they were being shortchanged by Microsoft's future plans. After the internet expressed its dissatisfaction, they decided to respond to the criticism and removed DRM restrictions and other problems. Just this week, Microsoft also announced that a new, Kinect-less Xbox One will be released, bringing basically everything they said in the initial release completely full circle. It's great that Microsoft listened to their consumers in the end, but it really was shockingly bad to see how they handled what should have been their easiest launch in history.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.