10 Biggest Gaming News Stories That Shocked The World

3. That E.T Rumour? Yeah, That's Really True

Perhaps one of the most famous gaming myths of all times centers around their being a collection of Atari games, such as the gloriously terrible E.T, being buried in the deserts of New Mexico after countless amounts of the game went unsold. It's one of those things that, even to the non-skeptical eye, still sounds like a crazy yarn spun by a bonkers old coot who tries to grow orangutans and lives in a suspicious shack. Unfortunately, Mad Orangutang Jack was right all these years; if only someone had believed him sooner! Amazingly, after some excavations that began in 2013, it was announced just a few weeks ago that the rumour is actually true; E.T really did end up in the desert! As gamers everywhere new about the legend of the games being crushed and chucked in cement in the desert, having something this mad confirmed, certainly spread around the net like wildfire. It's even going to be the subject of a documentary released later this year on Xbox One, detailing the excavation and the discovery.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.