10 Biggest High-Profile Video Game Failures Of 2016

7. Battleborn Withers And Dies In Overwatch's Shadow

Battleborn game
2K Games

Sometimes the marketing Gods align in the most cripplingly unlucky of ways, resulting in this case, in Battleborn going head to head with Overwatch in May last year.

Despite the reality of the situation being that Battleborn's gameplay was more routed in that of an MMO - whereas Overwatch was a straight-up FPS with team-based multiplayer - the latter absolutely trounced its competition right out the gate. There was just no competing with the genuine might of a Blizzard marketing campaign, which in the lead-up to release had given fans some great insights into the game's cast of Pixarian characters, before putting out multiple short films around launch that would make Disney jealous.

Gearbox's track record is shaky at the best of times being their name is associated just as much with Aliens: Colonial Marines as Borderlands, yet Battleborn was the one game that even after multiple discounts, offers and bundle deals, couldn't get a foothold to save its life.

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