10 Biggest High-Profile Video Game Failures Of 2016

6. Even The Assassin's Creed Remaster Had A Face Bug

Dammit Ubisoft, why can't you just take the time to release a game for something close to artistic reasons, as oppose to just for the cold, hard cash?

The latter is simply a fact of life, sure, but if you're going to churn something out - a la FIFA or Call of Duty - there has to be a base level of proficiency applied to paper over the cracks. When the consumer can see the strings, can see the 'bare minimum work done' ethos driving the idea of putting another Assassin's Creed product out there, despite the franchise already being on life support, the likes of the above only cement its reputation as being done altogether.

Ubi would finally patch this out following the outcry/immense amount of "Oh you" responses that emerged, but you can see the AC Remastered's launch day state in the video above.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.