10 Biggest High-Profile Video Game Failures Of 2016

5. Konami Continue Metal Gear As... A Zombie Survival Shooter

Metal Gear Survive

Speaking of making games for the sake of cold hard cash, over to Konami for The Least Surprising Business Move of The Year.

We always knew they weren't going to let go of one of their most profitable franchises, but to come out following the whole 'Kojima vs Konami' scandal and announce a rote 'zombie shooter' just reeked of generic mass market appeal. Capcom actually tried this exact same thing with Umbrellas Corps too, resulting in a cack-handed third-person shooter that had about as much to do with Resident Evil as Kratos does planting daisies.

Metal Gear Survive now joins the cancelled P.T./Silent Hills reboot and a complete reskin of Metal Gear Solid 3's cutscenes just so they can be used on gambling machines as some of the many things Konami have done to distance themselves from their own fans.

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