10 Biggest High-Profile Video Game Failures Of 2016

4. Quantum Break Ruins Remedy's Track Record

quantum break

Max Payne and Alan Wake, two exemplary games bursting with personality, references, great stories and endless replay value.

Quantum Break... a third-person shooter that comes with a few hours of low-grade TV, conceptualised alongside the "TV and games are one!" PR push the Xbox One died tried to convince us was the future.

Sadly, despite Remedy's skills at crafting the first half of that idea, there were small stretches of Quantum Break that were fun - it was just forever offset by godawful line deliveries, a barmy plot that went nowhere, characters you didn't care about, miscast lead roles and an arbitrary TV component that stopped the action for half an hour at a time.

You have to give it to the team for the sheer level of production quality and commitment to the idea - because you have to believe it was Microsoft's meddling that brought about all that TV stuff - but in the end, Quantum Break only served to tarnish Remedy's otherwise exemplary reputation.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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