10 Biggest Lies Gamers Tell Themselves
7. This New COD Game Will Be Somehow Different Than The Last
At the time of writing, I hadn't actually played Black Ops 2 yet thanks in large part to the fact that I managed to turn and face this lie somewhere around the Modern Warfare 2 mark.
Every Call of Duty game is, for all intents and purposes, exactly that same as the last one. Sure there are guns matching the era, different settings, different characters. But, at the core, it's the same basic game simply fished from the past and given a slap of virtual paint.
That has pretty much always been the COD way. Still, you only need to look at the sales stats and pre-order figures to realise that the world hasn't yet moved on from the series; that there's still the belief that "the next game is going to do something". What? What is it going to do? Actually offer a unique and worthwhile gaming experience? No, not if track record is to be believed. Offer a tiny singleplayer campaign almost as an afterthought and essentially some new weapons and multiplayer maps that you've got to then learn all over again? Sounds more like it.
If you want basically more of what you've already had, stick with COD and you'll be grand. But if, each time, you're telling yourself that this new one might just offer something that you haven't already done to death, I'd say you need to wake up and smell the napalm.