10 Biggest WTF Moments In Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

5. Red XIII's Voice

final fantasy vii rebirth

In the words of Michal Scott: "No. No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

To provide the context for that outburst, you need to understand what Rebirth cruelly stripped away from its audience. Party member Red XIII - the talking dog mentioned in the introduction - was voiced to perfection by Max Mittleman, who gave Red a rich, gravitas-laden voice that both suited the character perfectly and felt like having warm whiskey poured into your ears.

Unfortunately, once you return Red to his hometown, he reveals that this voice was just an act to make him sound older than he really is. He's actually an adolescent, and his real voice sounds makes him sound like the whiniest nerd in Sweet Valley High.

It's hard to put into words just how off-putting Red's new voice actually is. It's as if, having spent the 50 hours hanging out with Morgan Freeman, you're now expected to spend the next 50 in the presence of Eric Cartman. It's a catastrophically bad piece of direction, and one that is hopefully retconned in the next game in the trilogy.

Have Sephiroth punch Red XIII in the throat; have Red accidentally swallow a pint full of gravel; or just have the rest of the party hold an intervention demanding he go back to his original voice. Sadly, this seems unfortunately unlikely as Red's voice change was part of the original Japanese script.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.