10 Biggest WTF Moments In Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

3. The Ultimate Party Animal

final fantasy vii rebirth

This one's more of a WTF moment in the sense of "WTF were they thinking?"

In Rebirth's late game, your party finds itself betrayed by one of its own, allowing the big bad Shinra company to abscond with a key MacGuffin. All the remaining characters agree that they need to move quickly and catch up with the bad guys before it's too late... at which point a minor side character from 40 hours ago shows up and gives you one last side-quest before the big finale. A side-quest you have to do there and then, as the game locks you into the ending once you reach Shinra's location.

Literally nothing about this makes sense. Obviously not from an in-game perspective - "love to help you, but we're on a rush to SAVE THE FREAKING PLANET!" - and not from a game design perspective. There's a time and a place for side-quest distribution, and it's not when the game is barrelling towards its climax. Come to think of it, Final Fantasy XVI had this problem as well. Maybe there's something in the water at Square-Enix?

And the side-quest in question? You have to beat a middle manager's high scores in an amusement park. Truly a task worth risking the fate of the world for...

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.