10 Biggest Xbox Fails Microsoft Wants You To Forget

10. External HD-DVD Player For The Xbox 360

One of the things that gave the Xbox 360 the edge at the start of the last-gen console war was the fact that it came in at a cheaper price than the PS3. This was partly because Microsoft was selling Xbox 360s without Wi-Fi cards, decent hard drives or access to online gaming, but also because they didn't include an in-built video disc player. You had to splash out $200 on an official external HD DVD player instead. You may vaguely remember HD DVD in the same way that you remember Betamax cassettes if you're an old-timer, or UMDs if you're a newer-timer. It was the optical video disc format supported by Toshiba and Microsoft - whose HDi implementation was used for the menus and interactive elements of the discs - and the main rival to Blu-ray, which emerged around the same time. HD DVD was a slightly inferior format to Blu-ray, and its cause wasn't helped by the fact that it wasn't built into the Xbox 360, while the integrated Blu-ray player on the PS3 is essentially what shot the Blu-ray format to fame. HD DVD was all but redundant by 2008, just a couple of years into the X360's eight-year lifespan, while Blu-ray went on to flourish. This was almost certainly one of the reasons that the console war swung in the PS3's favour in the later stages.
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.