10 Bold Predictions For E3 2021

7. Rockstar FINALLY Reveals Grand Theft Auto VI

Spider-Man Miles Morales

Perhaps even more unlikely than a Deep Down revival yet certainly not impossible is the prospect of Rockstar finally unveiling Grand Theft Auto VI at E3.

Rockstar have traditionally shied away from E3 for their big marquee announcements, opting instead to simply drop trailers and news on their own website, which certainly hasn't harmed them in the past.

However, it was recently confirmed that Rockstar's parent company Take-Two Interactive will have a presence at E3 this year, sending fans into a frenzy as they considered what the publisher might be preparing to show off.

The most logical answer, of course, is that they will drop more information about Grand Theft Auto V's release on PS5 and Xbox Series X - namely a release date - but a GTA VI unveiling would instantly become the most talked-about news coming out of E3.

With the game likely already in a deep stage of development - GTA V came out in 2013, after all - it's likely we're not years and years off an announcement in any event.

However, Rockstar may prefer to wait until the dust has settled post-E3 so they don't have to share the spotlight with any other games.

GTA VI definitely could show up, and if nothing else it would certainly restore a shred of pomp and prestige to an event that's felt less-relevant in recent years.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.