10 Brilliant PS2 Titles That Give You Instant Nostalgia

2. SSX Tricky

ico and yorda
EA Sports BIG

Throughout the world of video games, there have always been sports games. Some of them, of course, become annual mainstays such as FIFA and Madden, whilst some of the more obscure sports have releases come and go with little to no fanfare.

You would assume then a game centred around a winter sport would be met with the same tepidness as your Rugby World Cups and Demolition Derbys. Well, SSX Tricky was a masterpiece.

SSX Tricky lifted the formula from the aforementioned Tony Hawks franchise and turned the intensity up to 11. Tricky is focused around the world circuit, where you have your pick of larger than life avatars and compete in ever-expanding and ever-imaginative challenges in a bid to be the fastest and most radical rider.

Each course will unlock new riders, boards and courses to further customisability and playability. The gameplay loop is feverish, the speed is electric and the moves your rider can pull off are truly gnarly.

SSX Tricky was the perfect storm. It borrowed an appropriate amount from its contemporaries whilst bringing enough innovation to the table to stand out by its own merit.


Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.