10 Broken Video Games That Fans Had To Fix

6. Cyberpunk 2077

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
CD Projekt Red

No game in recent memory has been more widely lambasted for releasing in a blatantly unfinished state than CD Projekt Red's much-anticipated Cyberpunk 2077.

Though the PC release was very clearly the developer's priority and plays considerably better than its frankly embarrassing siblings on PS4 and Xbox One, the PC version was also evidently put out before it was actually done.

While playable from start to finish for most, Cyberpunk's PC release is a bug-filled mess, with objects clipping through the environment - even the player's own genitals phasing through their clothing - alongside issues relating to the game's messy sound mix.

Though CD Projekt Red did attempt to patch some of the issues, the sound mixing problems - where dialogue is often rendered inaudible - was ultimately fixed by a modder, who had to cobble together an 11GB update in which they manually edited the sound levels for 800 different pieces of audio.

For many players the mod has been transformative and meant they haven't had to rely on subtitles to hear basic speech, for one.

Though CD Projekt Red was recently planning to release their own 1.2 patch to fix most of the nagging issues, a cyberattack against the company ultimately resulted in it being delayed into the second half of March - or so they say.

In this post: 
Dark Souls
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.