10 Broken Video Games That Still Aren't Fixed

9. Bubble Bobble Revolution

Bubble Bobble Revolution.jpg

Release Date: October 3, 2006

What Happened?A game-breaking bug sneaked into the North American version of the game, making it unplayable at the end of level 30 onwards (the game actually has 100 levels). A boss should appear which miraculously does not, making it impossible for the player to move onwards. In 2007, publisher Codemasters confirmed that replacement games would be ready soon...but left players hanging while refusing to recall the game from shelves despite it being fundamentally busted.

Today: A few apparently functional carts do the rounds on E-Bay periodically, but the lack of official press release about the replacements suggests they never actually went through with it on any scale, which is, of course, totally disgusting. We'd like to think we wouldn't stand for this sort of nonsense today, but is that really true with the amount we still let devs get away with?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.