10 Broken Video Games That Still Aren't Fixed

8. Batman: Arkham Knight

batman arkham knight

Release Date: June 23, 2015

What Happened?Releasing over 8 months after originally scheduled, most fans expected a smooth launch for Arkham Knight. On one hand, it was fine for consoles, but PC players had to endure major technical flaws and performance problems related to bad optimisation, such that a large chunk of players could only achieve 10 FPS when entering the Batmobile.

Warner Bros. suspended sales the day after release, while retail copies were recalled and refunds were offered all around. It was later revealed that Warner Bros. knew of the issues and chose to ship the PC version anyway, and didn't release patches to improve performance until several months later. Sadly, though, performance issues persisted for many players even with the patches, causing Warner Bros. to extend their refund window until the end of 2015.

Today: Periodic patches continue, but most players still have to settle for playing it at a console-grade performance at best, which kinda undermines the point of playing it on PC in the first place. Many still encounter crashes and frame rate hitches, at which point you may as well just play on consoles anyway, or wait a few years until even a mid-range PC can steamroll through the atrocious optimisation.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.