10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

1. Star Wars: Battlefront 4

Star Wars Battlefront 4
Free Radical

No, before you rush to the comments, the title of this entry isn't a typo. Though most of you reading this will be well aware that a true Star Wars: Battlefront 3 was cancelled before the series was rebooted by EA, what you might not be aware of is that the studio wasn't only working on one sequel, but two. That's because the third game was close to completion when it was canned, with a small team already workshopping the follow up.

News about Battlefront 4 broke in 2018, with a whole bunch of concept art being unleashed onto the Internet. And, without a doubt, this would have been one of the maddest Star Wars games ever made.

The project has been described as a "What If?" take on the whole universe, essentially inverting everything fans know about the Skywalker story. In this alternate universe, it's Luke Skywalker who occupies the Darth Vader role, with a deeply scarred face and similar cybernetic implants.

Players would have taken control of these alternate heroes and villains, fighting classic Battlefront battles across iconic planets warped by this new timeline.

The concept art shows off everything from a badass looking Sith Mace Windu to a deeply unnerving take on Jedi Maul. It might not have been what fans wanted at the time, but it certainly would have been a daring experiment.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3