10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

7. Maul: Battle Of The Sith Lords

Maul: Battle of the Sith Lords is a testament to the kind of mismanagement that's sadly sank so many promising Star Wars titles. As revealed by GameInformer, Red Fly Studio was drafted in to make a Darth Maul game in 2010, but apart from a title and a character, that's all the team had to go on.

They constructed a bunch of prototypes (which you can watch above), featuring a shirtless Maul fighting a bunch of bounty hunters. The combat was intended to be weightier and more impactful than other lightsaber-based games, with decapitations and harsher uses of the force you'd expect from a Sith.

Apparently, there were no issues with the gameplay, but problems arose when it came to building everything else. The main problem was the limited information the team had. They knew they had to create a Maul game, but weren't included in talks with LucasFilm or LucasArts about the character's story post Phantom Menace, and thus every idea got knocked back because it conflicted with canon - canon that they weren't allowed to know.

It was Disney licensing the series exclusively to EA that properly killed the project though, even if the developers have tried to revive it since.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3