10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

6. Star Wars: Jedi Outlaw

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Cere Knights Cal

Jedi Outlaw was set to be yet another Star Wars game that continued the Skywalker lineage after the events of the films, but with a twist. Unlike other stories which usually take place decades after Return of the Jedi, this was going to jump forward 500 years and pick up with a young Skywalker Jedi.

In this timeline, the balance in the force didn't see Light prevailing over Dark or a constant battle between the two sides, but with the Sith and Jedi brokering peace and residing over The Council. This governing body would be made up of equal parts of the force in order to live in harmony.

It's a pretty cool set up, and proposes some interesting political divides that Star Wars has never touched before, and would even include the player Skywalker character going on the run after being framed for the murder of another Jedi. Who did the framing? Allegedly, none other than a force-wielding descendent of Han Solo.

It didn't get past the pitch stage, but this weird alternate future is one that would have been awesome to see realised.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3