10 Cancelled Star Wars Video Games Fans Were Robbed Of

4. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 3

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 3

Unlike some of the other entries on this list, the promise of Knights of the Old Republic 3 doesn't come from the story it was going to tell or the mechanics it was going to implement (as solid details on what those would be are sparse), but simply it being a follow up to two of the most beloved Star Wars games of all time.

The original KOTOR launched Bioware to new levels of success, and gave fans of the galaxy far, far away a deep RPG experience that took place in one of the most fascinating parts of the Star Wars universe. The follow up wasn't as well received, but time has been kind to it, and considering the limitations it was created under, it's a miracle that it's as good as it was.

With demand there, it remains a mystery as to why EA has never signed off on a third game (well, the answer almost certainly is that the publisher doesn't believe single-player RPGs make enough money). It's been revealed, however, that both Obsidian and Bioware had plans for a third game over the years, but they've always been shot down.

The former's idea was to have the player fighting against ancient Sith lords even more powerful and gruesome than the Darths of the other games and movies (kind of similar to ideas in Rise of Skywalker, actually), even foreshadowing this third release in their second game.

It's yet to happen, but a follow up has to be a no-brainer, right?


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3